Abbreviations and specialized terms, Dhcp, Dtmf – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 230: G.711, G.722, G.723, Æ ftp, Æ dns, Æ dhcp, Æ eap (802

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Alphabetical Reference


Abbreviations and Specialized Terms

You will find more information in the relevant literature on the Network

Technology and Æ VoIP.


Abbreviation for "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol".

The DHCP is an Ethernet protocol that allows for the automatic configura-

tion of IP based endpoints. Additional information see Æ page 38.


Abbreviation for "Domain Name System".

Additional information see Æ page 41.


Abbreviation for "Dual Tone Multi Frequence".


The Deployment and Licensing Server (DLS) is a HiPath Management ap-

plication that provides an integrated solution for the customers and the

service personal to administer workpoints (that are optiClients and opti-

Point devices) in HiPath- and non-HiPath networks


Extensible Authentication Protocol


Abbreviation for "File Transfer Protocol".

Is used for transferring files in networks, e.g., to update telephone soft-

ware (Æ Download Application).


Audio protocol for uncompressed voice transmission. Requires a band-

width of 64 kbit/s.


The G.722 recommendation describes ADPCM coding with a sub-band.

The bandwidth for the sub-band is 7 kHz at a sampling rate of 16 kHz. The

transfer rate is 64 kbps, voice quality has a MOS rating of 4.5 which is quite



Audio protocol for compressed voice transmission. The quality is worse

than in Æ G.711 and Æ G.729. Requires a bandwidth of about 6 kbit/s.