Callback uris, Call park uri, Call pickup uri – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 169: Check for update, Clear all user data

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Alphabetical Reference


Callback URIs

For "Callback – Busy line", and "Delete callbacks" enter the access code of

the HiPath 8000. "Callback – No reply" is for future use – not supported

with HiPath 8000.

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Call park URI

Allows the administrator to configure the URI of the call park server

park@ (e. g. [email protected] or Domain Name).

This option is displayed with its current setting. If the URI is empty or in-

valid the user will not be able to use the Call park feature. This URIs is only

effective with Sylantro server.

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Call pickup URI

Allows the administrator to configure the URI of the call pickup server

(e. g. [email protected] or Domain Name).

This option is displayed with its current setting. If the URI is empty or in-

valid the user will not be able to use the Call pickup feature. This URIs is

only effective with Sylantro server.

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Check for update

This option is used to initiate a check for a configuration change at the con-

figuration server and, if found, hence an update to the phone's configura-

tion. This option is always displayed and will also be automatically dis-

played as a prompt to confirm a periodic check for configuration updates.

Selecting this option will initiate the configuration download process.

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Clear ALL user data

This operation will clear out all personal data relating to the user (including

Personal Directory entries and structure definition), ready for the phone to

be given to a different user. It does not clear out Phone settings (such as

contrast or touch screen calibration settings), nor Administration settings

(such as network details).

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