Registration timer value, Reservation timer, Ringer settings – Siemens HIPATH 8000 User Manual

Page 211: Registration timer

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Alphabetical Reference


Registration timer value

• This field determines whether the phone sends an expires header in

the REGISTER messages that it sends, and if so, to what value it sets

it. The expires header in a REGISTER is a suggestion to the Registrar

server of how long it should be before the phones registration expires.

To stop its registration from expiring, the phone has to send another

REGISTER to the Registrar before its current one has expired. The ex-

pires value which the phone sends is only a suggestion - the actual val-

ue to be used will be supplied to the phone by the Registrar in the OK

message that it sends in response to the REGISTER. Normally this will

be the same as the value that the phone has suggested, but if the sug-

gested value is outside the Registrars range of acceptable values, then

it could be different.

• The phone actually adds 60 seconds to the value that is puts into the

expires header, so that if the REGISTERs that it sends get delayed be-

cause of a congested network, they will still arrive at the Registrar be-

fore the registration expires.

• As an example, if 10 seconds is entered as the Registration Timer val-

ue, the REGISTER messages that the phone sends will have an expires

header of 70 seconds (10 + 60). If 70 seconds is lower than the Regis-

trars lowest acceptable value, it will ignore the suggested value and

send back its lower limit value, e.g. 90 seconds. The phone will sub-

tract 60 seconds from this, and use that as the amount of time to wait

before sending its next REGISTER, so 30 seconds (90 - 60) later it will

send out its next REGISTER.

• If the Registration Timer is set to 0, the phone will not put an Expires

header into the REGISTER messages that it sends - i.e. it will not make

any suggestion to the Registrar of how long it would like the registra-

tion to remain valid.

• Value range table:

• Editing by phone: Number Editor Æ page 157.

Æ page 62


page 115

Reservation Timer

Determines the timeframe for which a line remains reserved for a user

who is dialling; after this timeframe another user who’s phone is using the

same line can access the line.

Æ page 69


page 123

Ringer Settings

• See Alert indication Æ page 163.

Permitted values



0, 10 ... 4320 seconds

Default value

3600 seconds