PLANET XGS3-24042 User Manual
Page 395

BGP protocol unicast address family
mode and VRF address family mode
neighbor (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X |
WORD) capability graceful-restart
no neighbor (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X |
WORD) capability graceful-restart
Set a label for neighbor, it takes GR parameter
when send OPEN messages.
3. Configure restart-time
BGP route configuration mode
bgp graceful-restart restart-time
no bgp graceful-restart restart-time
Configure BGP GR’s restart-time (Receiving
Speaker enables a timeout timer for a neighbor,
it uses the restart-time as the timeout). A
restart-time specifies the longest waiting time
from Receiving Speaker finds restarting to the
received OPEN messages. If Receiving Speaker
does not receive OPEN messages after exceed
the time, it can delete SATLE route saved by
4. Configure restart-time for neighbor
BGP protocol unicast address family
mode and VRF address family mode
neighbor (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X |
WORD) restart-time <1-3600>
no neighbor (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X |
WORD) restart-time <1-3600>
Configure restart-time for neighbors, no
command restores the default time.
5. Configure stale-path-time for BGP GR
BGP route configuration mode