Yaskawa Sigma-5 User Manual: Design and Maintenance - Linear Motors MECHATROLINK-III Communications Reference User Manual

Page 293

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8 Troubleshooting


8.4 Troubleshooting Malfunction Based on Operation and

Conditions of the Servomotor

Troubleshooting for the malfunctions based on the operation and conditions of the servomotor is provided in

this section.

Be sure to turn OFF the servo system before troubleshooting items shown in bold lines in the table.


Probable Cause

Investigative Actions

Corrective Actions

Servomotor Does

Not Start

The control power supply is not


Check voltage between control

power terminals.

Correct the wiring.

The main circuit power supply is

not ON.

Check the voltage between main

circuit power terminals.

Correct the wiring.

Wiring of I/O signal connector CN1

is faulty or disconnected.

Check if the connector CN1 is prop-

erly inserted and connected.

Correct the connector CN1 connec-


Wiring for servomotor main circuit

cable or linear scale connection

cables is disconnected.

Check the wiring.

Correct the wiring.


Run under no load and check the

load status.

Reduce load or replace with larger

capacity servomotor.

Linear scale type differs from

parameter setting (Pn002.2).

Check the settings for parameter


Set parameter Pn002.2 to the linear

scale type being used.

Settings for the input signal selec-

tions (Pn50A, Pn50B and Pn511) is


Check the settings for parameters

Pn50A, Pn50B and Pn511.

Correct the settings for parameter

Pn50A, Pn50B and Pn511.

SV_ON command is not sent.

Check the command sent from the
host controller.

Send the SV_ON command.

SENS_ON command is not sent.

Check the command sent from the
host controller.

Send the command in the correct
SERVOPACK sequence.

The forward run prohibited (P-OT)

and reverse run prohibited (N-OT)

input signals are turned OFF.

Check P-OT or N-OT input signal.

Turn P-OT or N-OT input signal


The safety input signal (/HWBB1 or

/HWBB2) remains OFF.

Check the /HWBB1 and /HWBB2

input signal.

Set the /HWBB1 and /HWBB2

input signal to ON.
When not using the safety function,

mount the safety function’s jumper

connector (provided as an acces-

sory) on the CN8.

A SERVOPACK fault occurred.

Replace the SERVOPACK.

The polarity detection is not exe-

Check the parameter Pn080.0.

Correct the setting of Pn080.0.

Check the SV_ON command.

• When using an incremental linear

scale, send the SV_ON command
from the host controller.

• When using an absolute linear

scale, execute Fn080.




and then Stops

Servomotor wiring is incorrect.

Check the wiring.

Correct the wiring.

Serial converter unit wiring is incor-


Check the wiring.

Correct the wiring.

Linear scale wiring is incorrect.

Check the wiring.

Correct the wiring.

Linear scale pitch (Pn282) is incor-

Check the setting of Pn282.

Correct the setting of Pn282.

Linear scale counting up direction
and servomotor coil assembly for-
ward direction do not agree.

Check the directions.

Change the setting of Pn080.1
(Motor Phase Selection).
Match the linear scale direction and
coil assembly direction.

Polarity detection is not performed

Check if the value of Un004 (elec-
trical angle 2 from polarity origin)
at an arbitrary position is between

±10 degrees.

Correct the settings for the polarity
detection related parameter.