Linear – Yaskawa Sigma-5 User Manual: Design and Maintenance - Linear Motors MECHATROLINK-III Communications Reference User Manual

Page 117

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4.4 Trial Operation








When Passing 1st

Zero Point in Reverse Direction and Returning after Power ON

After the power is turned on, the phase-C pulse (CN1-21, CN1-22) is not output when the linear scale moves

reverse and its head first passes the phase-C detection position. The phase-C pulse is output for the first time
when the linear scale moves forward and its head passes the detection position. After the detection head of the

linear scale first passes the detection position in the forward direction, the phase-C pulse is output when the

head passes the position regardless of the direction of the linear scale’s movement.

When Using a Linear Scale with Multiple Zero Points and Passing 1st

Zero Point in

Forward Direction and Returning after Power ON

When using a linear scale with multiple zero points, the same logic as that explained earlier for a linear scale

with only one zero point applies to each zero point.
See When Passing 1st Zero Point in Forward Direction and Returning after Power ON .

The phase-C pulse is not output
when passing the detection position
in reverse direction first.

The phase-C pulse is also output when passing this point in reverse,
because the SERVOPACK has recorded the position where the phase-C pulse was
originally output when first passing the position in the forward direction.

Scale count-up direction

Phase-C detection position

Power ON


Phase-C pulse output


Even after zero point 1 has first been passed
in the forward direction, the phase-C pulse is not
output here because zero point 2 is passed
in reverse direction.

The phase-C pulse is also output when passing this point
in reverse, because the SERVOPACK has recorded
the position where the phase-C pulse was originally output
when first passing the position in the forward direction.

Scale count-up direction

Power ON


Phase-C pulse output

Zero point 1

Zero point 1

Zero point 2

Zero point 2
