Yaskawa Sigma-5 User Manual: Design and Maintenance - Linear Motors MECHATROLINK-III Communications Reference User Manual
Page 168

5 Adjustments
5.3.1 Advanced Autotuning
Change only the overshoot detection level (Pn561) to finely adjust the amount of overshooting without chang-
ing the positioning completed width (Pn522). Because Pn561 is set by default to 100%, the allowable amount
of overshooting is the same amount as that for the positioning completed width.
When Pn561 is set to 0%, the amount of overshooting can be adjusted to prevent overshooting the positioning
completed width. If the setting of Pn561 is changed, however, the positioning time may be extended.
• Advanced autotuning makes adjustments by referring to the positioning completed
width (Pn522). If the SERVOPACK is operated in position control (Pn000.1=1), set the
electronic gear ratio (Pn20E/Pn210) and positioning completed width (Pn522) to the
actual value during operation. If the SERVOPACK is operated in speed control
(Pn000.1=0), set Mode to 1 to perform advanced autotuning.
• Unless the positioning completed signal (/COIN) is turned ON within approximately 3
seconds after positioning has been completed, "WAITING" will flash. Furthermore,
unless the positioning completed signal (/COIN) is turned ON within approximately 10
seconds, "Error" will flash for 2 seconds and tuning will be aborted.
Overshoot Detection Level
Setting Range
Setting Unit
Factory Setting
When Enabled
0 to 100