Yaskawa Sigma-5 User Manual: Design and Maintenance - Linear Motors MECHATROLINK-III Communications Reference User Manual
Page 250

6.21 EasyFFT (Fn206)
ty Fu
ons (Fn
When the detection processing is successfully com-
pleted, "Measure" stops flashing and the results and
the notch filter value to be set are displayed. If the
processing was not completed, "No Measure" is dis-
played. To check the results, go to step 8.
< Important >
If two seconds or more are required for the operation
although detection was successfully completed, the
detection accuracy might be insufficient. Increasing
reference amplitude more than 15 increases the detec-
tion accuracy, but the vibration and noise from the
machine will increase. Increase the amplitude value
little by little.
• If a notch filter has been set and is being used, "*"
is displayed on the second line.
• If the first stage notch filter has been set, the sec-
ond stage notch filter value is displayed. If the first
and second stage notch filters have been set, only
the result of frequency detection is displayed.
To exit the EasyFFT function at this stage, press
Key. The power to the servomotor is turned
OFF and the display returns to the main menu of the
utility function.
To remeasure the vibration frequency, press
Key to return to step 4. Execute steps 5 to 7.
Press the
Key after the normal completion of
frequency detection. The notch filter frequencies are
automatically updated to the optimum values.
The status display shows "DONE" and the display
shown on the left appears.
If the first stage notch filter frequency has been set
(Pn408.0 = 1), the second stage notch filter frequency
(Pn 40C) will automatically be updated.
• If the first stage or the second stage notch filter fre-
quency has already been set (Pn408
= n. 1 1),
the notch filter frequency cannot be set.
• If the frequency detected by this function is not
used, set the notch filter to be invalid (Pn408.0
Press the
The servomotor enters a baseblocked status. The dis-
play returns to the main menu of the utility function.
To enable the change in the setting, turn the power OFF and ON again.
Display after Operation
− E a s y F F T −
R e s u l t
I n p u t = 0 1 5 %
R e s = 1 2 5 0 H z
F i l t e r 1 1 2 5 0 H z
− E a s y F F T −
R e a d y
I n p u t = 0 1 5 %
㧻 㧺 㧱
− E a s y F F T −
R e s u l t
I n p u t = 0 1 5 %
R e s = 1 2 5 0 H z
F i l t e r 1 1 2 5 0 H z
− F U N C T I O N −
F n 2 0 5 : V i b S u p
F n 2 0 6 : E a s y F F T
F n 2 0 7 : V - M o n i t o r
F n 0 0 0 : A l m H i s t o r y