4 touch display, 5 key switch, 3 remote shutdown – SMA SC 500CP-10-JP Installation Manual User Manual

Page 15: 4 touch display 3.2.5 key switch

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SMA Solar Technology AG

3  Product Description

Installation Manual



3.2.4 Touch Display

Different kinds of Sunny Central data can be viewed on the touch display. On the touch display, you cannot set any

Sunny Central parameters, but only configure display settings such as language, time and brightness. The touch display

is fitted with a cover to protect it from weather influences. This cover can be pushed up to read the display.
The display screen is activated by touching the touch display. Tapping the symbols on the touch display activates the

corresponding functions. If the touch display has not been touched for five minutes, it will switch off.

3.2.5 Key Switch

The key switch is used to switch the Sunny Central on and off.

Switch Position "Start"

If the key switch is turned to Start, a motor drive automatically switches the DC main switch on and the Sunny Central

switches from the operating state "Stop" to the operating state "Grid monitoring". If there is sufficient irradiation and a

valid utility grid connection, the Sunny Central switches to feed-in operation. If the irradiation level, and therefore the input

voltage, is too low, the Sunny Central remains in the operating state "Grid monitoring".

Switch Position "Stop"

If the key switch is turned to Stop while the Sunny Central is in the operating state "Grid monitoring", a motor drive

automatically switches the DC main switch off. The Sunny Central switches to the operating state "Stop".
If the key switch is turned to Stop while the Sunny Central is in the operating state "MPP load operation", the

Sunny Central switches to the operating state "Shutdown". Once shutdown is complete, the AC contactor and the DC

main switch are switched off automatically and the Sunny Central switches to the operating state "Stop".

3.3 Remote Shutdown

By means of remote shutdown, you can selectively shut down and switch off the Sunny Central within approximately

six seconds, for example, from a control room. The function of the remote shutdown is similar to the stop function of the

key switch.
If the remote shutdown function is activated from the control room while the Sunny Central is in the operating state

"Grid monitoring", a motor drive automatically shuts off the DC main switch and the Sunny Central switches to the

operating state "Stop".
If the remote shutdown function is activated from the control room while the Sunny Central is in the operating state

"MPP load operation", the Sunny Central switches to the operating state "Shutdown". Once shutdown is complete, the

AC contactor and the DC main switch are switched off automatically and the Sunny Central switches to the operating

state "Stop".
The remote shutdown is designed as an open-circuit fail-safe function and must be connected to a 24 V external supply

voltage. If 24 V is present in the remote shutdown, the Sunny Central continues to operate in the current operating state.

If the remote shutdown is tripped or if a wire break occurs, 0 V is present in the remote shutdown and the Sunny Central

switches from its current operating state to the operating state "Stop".
Use of the remote shutdown will only be possible if the parameter ExlStrStpEna is set to On.