Recording the results of measurement, 3 a u to matic w o rk piece measur ement – HEIDENHAIN TNC 426B (280 472) Touch Probe Cycles User Manual
Page 81
3.3 A
matic W
piece Measur
Recording the results of measurement
For all cycles in which you automatically measure workpieces (with
the exception of Cycles 0 and 1), the TNC records the results. As
standard procedure the TNC saves the measuring log as an ASCII file
in the directory from which you run the measuring program. As an
alternative you can also send the measuring log directly to a printer or
transfer it to a PC. To do this, set the print function (in the interface
configuration menu) to RS232:\ (see also the User's Manual under
"MOD Functions, Setting Up the Data Interface").
Example: Measuring log for touch probe cycle 423:
*** Measuring Log for Probing Cycle 421 Hole Measuring ***
Date: 29-11-1997
Time: 6:55:04
Measuring program: TNC:\GEH35712\CHECK1.H
Nominal values: Center in reference axis: 50.0000
Center in minor axis: 65.0000
Diameter: 12.0000
Given limit values: Maximum limit for center in reference axis:
50.1000 Minimum limit for center in reference axis: 49.9000
Maximum limit for center in minor axis: 65.1000
Minimum limit for center in minor axis: 64.9000
Maximum dimension for hole: 12.0450
Minimum dimension for hole 12.0000
Actual values: Center in reference axis: 50.0810
Center in minor axis: 64.9530
Diameter: 12.0259
Deviations: Center in reference axis: 0.0810
Center in minor axis: -0.0470
Diameter: 0.0259
Further measuring results: Measuring height: -5.0000
***************** End of measuring log *****************
All measured values listed in the log file are referenced to
the datum that is active during the respective cycle you are
running. In addition, the coordinate system may have been
rotated in the plane or the plane may have been tilted by
using 3D-ROT. In this case, the TNC converts the
measuring results to the respective active coordinate
Use the HEIDENHAIN data transfer software TNCremo if
you wish to output the measuring log via the data