Measuring tool length and radius, 2 a v ailable cy cles – HEIDENHAIN TNC 426B (280 472) Touch Probe Cycles User Manual
Page 130

4 Touch Probe Cycles for Automatic Tool Measurement
4.2 A
ailable Cy
Measuring tool length and radius
Before measuring a tool for the first time, enter the following data on
the tool into the tool table TOOL.T: the approximate radius, the
approximate length, the number of teeth, and the cutting direction.
To measure both the length and radius of a tool, program the
measuring cycles TCH PROBE 33 MEASURE TOOL. This cycle is
particularly suitable for the first measurement of tools, as it saves time
when compared with individual measurement of length and radius. In
input parameters you can select the desired type of measurement:
Measuring the tool while it is rotating.
Measuring the tool while it is rotating and subsequently measuring
the individual teeth.
Sequence of measurement
The TNC measures the tool in a fixed programmed sequence. First it
measures the tool radius, then the tool length. The sequence of
measurement is the same as for measuring cycles 31 and 32.
Cylindrical tools with diamond surfaces can be measured
with stationary spindle as of NC software 280 476-xx. To
do so, define the number of teeth (CUT) with 0 and adjust
the machine parameter 6500. Refer to your machine