Grass Valley Aurora Ingest v.6.5.2 User Manual

Page 56

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Specify the default clip name.

Default Clip Name

Enter the default location for any scheduled
record event.

Default Record Location

Enter the default duration for any new feed
event you schedule. (00:59:50 by default). To

Default Duration

easily schedule back-to-back records, adjust
the default duration by 10 seconds in order
to avoid a recording conflict. For example,
for a 1 hour feed duration, set the default
duration to 00:59:50.

Enter the default location for any
un-scheduled, i.e. crash record event. Once

Default Crash Location

specified, all crash records will go to the same
folder name on all media servers.

Enter the default duration for any
un-scheduled record event.

Default Crash Duration


Aurora Ingest System Guide

13 August2009

Configuring Aurora Ingest

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