Linking clips to aurora playout placeholders, Linking clips, Creating new placeholders – Grass Valley Aurora Ingest v.6.5.2 User Manual

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Linking clips to Aurora Playout placeholders

If you are using Aurora Playout for playback, you can link clips you record with Aurora
Ingest to placeholders in Aurora Playout.

You can link clips for both VTR Ingest and Aurora Ingest - Scheduler using the
Assignment List Manager. In VTR Ingest, you can link a placeholder to any of the
individual clips in the batch list.

In Aurora Ingest - Scheduler, you can link the placeholder to the entire feed, and you
can also trim the top and tail of the feed via Asset Viewer. You can link to a Aurora
Playout placeholder for scheduled feeds, but not for recursive feed recordings.

Linking Clips

You can link an ingested clip to Aurora Playout placeholder.

1. In VTR Ingest, mark an In and Out point to create a clip; in Aurora

Ingest - Scheduler, select your feed source.

2. For VTR Ingest, click the

Assignment List Manager button

on the left pane of

the VTR Ingest user interface; for Aurora Ingest - Scheduler, click the


List Manager button

in the Add Event window,

The Assignment List Manager opens.

3. Select a placeholder to link to and click



The placeholder name and description fill in on Aurora Ingest.

4. In VTR Ingest, click

Add Clip to Batch List button

; in Aurora Ingest - Scheduler,


Record button


The ingested clip or feed is now associated with the Aurora Playout placeholder.

Creating New Placeholders

If you need to, you can create additional placeholders for clips you want to link to
Aurora Playout.

1. In the Assignment List Manager, click the

New button



Aurora Ingest System Guide

13 August2009

Linking Clips To Aurora Playout Placeholders

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