Displaying and maintaining ipv6 bgp, Displaying bgp – H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual

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Displaying and maintaining IPv6 BGP

Displaying BGP

To do…

Use the command…


Display IPv6 BGP peer group

display bgp ipv6 group [ ipv6-group-name ] [ | { begin
| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP advertised

routing information

display bgp ipv6 network [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP AS path

display bgp ipv6 paths [ as-regular-expression | |
{ begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP peer or peer
group information

display bgp ipv6 peer [ group-name log-info |
ipv4-address verbose | ipv6-address { log-info |

verbose } | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]

Display the prefix entries in the

ORF information of the specified
BGP peer

display bgp ipv6 peer { ip-address | ipv6-address }

received ipv6-prefix [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing table

display bgp ipv6 routing-table [ ipv6-address
] [ | { begin | exclude | include }

regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing
information matching an AS path


display bgp ipv6 routing-table as-path-acl
as-path-acl-number [ | { begin | exclude | include }

regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing
information with the specified

community attribute

display bgp ipv6 routing-table community
[ aa:nn<1-13> ] [ no-advertise | no-export |

no-export-subconfed ]* [ whole-match ] [ | { begin |

exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing
information matching an IPv6 BGP

community list

display bgp ipv6 routing-table community-list
{ { basic-community-list-number | comm-list-name }

[ whole-match ] |
adv-community-list-number }&<1-16> [ | { begin |

exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display dampened IPv6 BGP
routing information

display bgp ipv6 routing-table dampened [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP dampening
parameter information

display bgp ipv6 routing-table dampening parameter
[ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing
information originated from
different ASs

display bgp ipv6 routing-table different-origin-as [ |
{ begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display IPv6 BGP routing flap


display bgp ipv6 routing-table flap-info

[ regular-expression as-regular-expression |
[ as-path-acl as-path-acl-number | ipv6-address

prefix-length [ longer-match ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ] ]

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