Displaying and maintaining ipv6 static routes, Ipv6 static routing configuration example, Network requirements – H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 277

To do…
Use the commands…
ipv6 route-static ipv6-address prefix-length
{ interface-type interface-number
[ next-hop-address ] | next-hop-address |
vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-name
nexthop-address } [ preference
preference-value ]
Configure an IPv6 static route
ipv6 route-static vpn-instance
s-vpn-instance-name&<1-6> ipv6-address
prefix-length { interface-type interface-number
[ next-hop-address ] | nexthop-address [ public ]
| vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-name
nexthop-address } [ preference
preference-value ]
Use either approach.
The default
preference of IPv6
static routes is 60.
If you specify a broadcast interface, such as an Ethernet interface or a VLAN interface, as the output
interface for a static route, you must specify the next hop address.
Displaying and maintaining IPv6 static routes
To do…
Use the command…
Display IPv6 static route
display ipv6 routing-table protocol
static [ inactive | verbose ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Remove all IPv6 static routes
delete ipv6 [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] static-routes
Available in system view
Using the undo ipv6 route-static command can delete a single IPv6 static route. Using the delete ipv6
static-routes all command deletes all IPv6 static routes including the default route.
For more information about the display ipv6 routing-table protocol static
[ inactive | verbose ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ] command, see Layer 3—IP Routing Command
IPv6 static routing configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
, configure IPv6 static routes so that hosts can reach one another.