Displaying and maintaining ipv6 is-is – H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual

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For more information about BFD, see

High Availability Configuration Guide.

Displaying and maintaining IPv6 IS-IS

To do…

Use the command…


Display brief IPv6 IS-IS information

display isis brief [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display the status of the debug

display isis debug-switches { process-id |
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name } [ | { begin

| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display IS-IS enabled interface

display isis interface [ statistics |
[ interface-type interface-number ]

[ verbose ] ] [ process-id | vpn-instance

vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display LSDB information

display isis lsdb [ [ l1 | l2 | level-1 | level-2 ]
| [ [ lsp-id lsp-id | lsp-name lspname |
local ] | verbose ] * ] * [ process-id |

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin

| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display IS-IS mesh group

display isis mesh-group [ process-id |
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin

| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display the mapping table
between the host name and system


display isis name-table [ process-id |
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin

| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display IS-IS neighbor information

display isis peer [ statistics | verbose ]
[ process-id | vpn-instance

vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display IPv6 IS-IS routing


display isis route ipv6 [ [ level-1 | level-2 ] |
verbose ] * [ process-id | vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display SPF log information

display isis spf-log [ process-id |
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin

| exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display the statistics of the IS-IS

display isis statistics [ level-1 | level-1-2 |
level-2 ] [ process-id | vpn-instance

vpn-instance-name ] [ | { begin | exclude |

include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Clear all IS-IS data structure

reset isis all [ process-id | vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]

Available in user view

Clear the IS-IS data information of
a neighbor

reset isis peer system-id [ process-id | vpn
vpn-instance-name ]

Available in user view