H3C Technologies H3C S10500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 272

# Configure Switch A.
[SwitchA] bfd session init-mode active
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 100
Configure the minimum interval for transmitting BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] bfd min-transmit-interval 500
Configure the minimum interval for receiving BFD control packets as 500 milliseconds.
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] bfd min-receive-interval 500
Configure the detect multiplier as 7.
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] bfd detect-multiplier 7
Configure the BFD authentication mode as plain-text authentication, and set the authentication key
to ibgpbfd.
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] bfd authentication-mode simple 1 ibgpbfd
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] quit
# Configure Switch C.
[SwitchC] bfd session init-mode active
[SwitchC] interface vlan-interface 101
[SwitchC-Vlan-interface101] bfd min-transmit-interval 500
[SwitchC-Vlan-interface101] bfd min-receive-interval 500
[SwitchC-Vlan-interface101] bfd detect-multiplier 7
[SwitchC-Vlan-interface101] bfd authentication-mode simple 1 ibgpbfd
[SwitchC-Vlan-interface101] return
Verify the configuration.
The following operations are made on Switch C. Operations on Switch A are similar. (Details not shown)
# Display detailed BFD session information.
Total Session Num: 1 Init Mode: Active
IP Session Working Under Ctrl Mode:
Local Discr: 17 Remote Discr: 13
Source IP: Destination IP:
Session State: Up Interface: Vlan-interface101
Min Trans Inter: 500ms Act Trans Inter: 500ms
Min Recv Inter: 500ms Act Detect Inter: 3000ms
Recv Pkt Num: 57 Send Pkt Num: 53
Hold Time: 2200ms Connect Type: Indirect
Running Up for: 00:00:06 Auth mode: Simple
Protocol: BGP6
Diag Info: No Diagnostic
The output shows that a BFD session is established between Switch A’s VLAN-interface 100 and Switch
C’s VLAN-interface 101 and that BFD runs properly.
# Display BGP peer information on Switch C, and you can see that Switch C has established two BGP
neighborships with Switch A.