Westermo ID-90 User Manual

Page 67

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Remote access control

Using the following commands you can setup a table, to allow only dedicated callers to get
a connection to the remote management facilities inside the TA.
If this list is empty (default) or one entry with a star (*) is set, any incoming call is allowed.
Every incoming call that does not fit to one of the entries of acctab will be rejected with the
ISDN cause “call rejected”.

racctabx nn/ss set entry number x to ISDN number nn and subaddress ss
racctabx -

clear entry number x

racctabx *

Allow all incoming calls to be accepted


Show entry number x


Show all entries

Maximum number of entries = 3
Maximum length of ISDN number = 20 digits
Maximum length of subaddress = 20 digits
The ISDN number can contain wildcards:

*: represents one or more digits
?: represents exactly one digits

Example: racctab1 1234567890; accept the only specified number

racctab2 *456*

; accept all number with 456 somewhere in the

racctab3 ?2345678??

; accept all number with 2345678 in the middle
peceeded by one digit and followed by two digits.

racctab3 *

; accept all incoming calls

racctab3 -

; clear entry no. 3

List of TA+Configurator commands

The TA+Configuration commands typed in must have the correct syntax and be complete,
including all blanks. Capital/small letter use is not important. The entry is not case sensitive.
The bolded values are factory defaults. The usage is:


Example to set the ISDN B channel protocol to X.75:


Example to show the selected ISDN protocol:


Example to show all selectable ISDN protocols:
