Sub addressing, Hotline” call – Westermo ID-90 User Manual

Page 60

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Sub addressing

With outgoing and incoming calls the transmission of subaddresses can be performed using
the ISDN supplementary service SUB. The subaddress is transmitted transparently from the
calling party to the called party before the B channel connection is fully established.

Please note, that this ISDN service typically has to be enabled by the ISDN service provider

and may be charged additionally.

The subaddress is separated by an “/” from the called number.

The functionality Subaddressing can be used with the dialling procedures AT-command set,
X.3 PAD and automatic call.




Dialling called party number


Called subaddress

RING [[/subaddr]]


Calling party number


Calling party subaddress

The own subaddress (calling subbaddress) can be setup using the configuration command sub.

Note: The subaddress can be entered additionally into all tables that contain

ISDN numbers for dialling or checking an ISDN address.

“Hotline” call

Automatic call establishment can be activated in three ways:
1. Initiated by an activation of the DTR control line (cmds= 6).
2. Initiated by activity of the Data line from DTE (cmds=7), autobauding is disabled in this


3. Initiated at power on reset, “always on” (cmds=8).
When the cmds-parameter is set to 6,7 or 8 baudrate will automatically be set to 9 600 bit/s
(br=4). The status line DCD can be used to indicate a successful connection, (see com-
mand cdcd).
If a connection cannot be established successfully an automatic retry will be started. The
duration of trying to establish the connection and the pause for next retry can be config-
ured. The dialled numbers are taken from the table catab, all numbers from the call table
catab will be taken one after each other.The parameter cato sets the timeout for establish-
ing the call, capa the pause between call attempt and catry the number of retries.
The call can be disconnected through deactivating DTR see cdtr parameter, or through
using the inactivity timer idle.
To return to the AT- or Configurator command set the DIP-switches can be used SW3:5-7.