Westermo ID-90 User Manual

Page 51

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Data Forwarding Characters

This parameter defines a control character to be used as the Data
Forwarding Character. This character can be used to force the transmis-
sion of the collected data to the other end, even when the defined packet
size has not yet been reached.

Valid Parameter Values:

Only send full packets, thus no Data Forwarding Character


< > or


, , , ,


, ,

128 All ASCII control codes, which are not listed above

Regardless of the value set in parameter 3, the data packet will always be
forwarded under any of the following conditions:
• when the input buffer holds a full data packet and parameter 15 is set to

0 (zero)

• when the input buffer is full and parameter 15 is set to 1 in this case,

one data packet will be sent and the remaining data will be shifted for-
ward in the input buffer

• after the first character of a PAD command is entered
• following the entry of the BREAK signal (command INTD) – also see

parameter 7

• after the timeout of the timer set with parameter 4


Timer for Data Forwarding

Defines the timeout interval, following which the collected data will be
sent as a data packet even if the defined packet size was still not reached.
The timer is reset each time a data packet is sent, even if it was sent as the
result of the Data Forwarding Character (see parameter 3).

Valid Parameter Values:

No timeout, thus no time interval


Immediate transfer, thus each character is immediately transferred
as a data packet.


n time interval in units of 50 msec. (1/20 of a second) and the value
must be an integer in the range from 2 to 255.
Example: n = 40 => time out interval of 2.0 seconds

A data transfer timeout is only permitted, when parameter 15 is set to 0 (zero).


Control of additional devices

Not implemented, all values ignored !