Westermo GD-01 User Manual
Page 27

+COPS – Operator selection
There are three possible ways of selecting an operator (PLMN):
• The product is in manual mode. It then tries to find the operator specified by the appli-
cation and if found, tries to register.
• The product is in automatic mode. It then tries to find the home operator and if found,
tries to register. If not found, the product automatically searches for another network.
• The product enters into manual/automatic mode, and then tries to find an operator as
specified by the application (as in manual mode). If this attempt fails it enters automatic
mode. If this is successful, the operator specified by the application is selected.
The mobile equipment then enters into automatic mode.
NOTE:The read command returns the current mode and the currently selected
operator. In manual mode, this PLMN may not be the one set by the application
(as it is in the search phase).
These commands are not allowed during one communication.
To force an attempt to select and register on a network, the application must send the
following command:
Command syntax: AT+COPS=
Possible responses: AT+COPS=
+CME ERROR: 30 (No network service)
+CME ERROR: 32 (Network not allowed – emergency calls only)
3 (Not allowed during one Communication)
4 (Incorrect parameters)
+CME ERROR: 527 (Please wait, and retry your selection later)
+CME ERROR: 528 (Location update failure – emergency calls only)
+CME ERROR: 529 (Selection failure – emergency calls only)
Response syntax for AT+COPS?:
Response syntax for AT+COPS=?:
[list of supported (
If an incoming call occurs during a PLMN list request, the operation is aborted
(+CME ERROR: 520) and the unsolicited RING appears