4 instruction code, 5 instruction code qualifier – Comtech EF Data SPOD PS 1, PS 1.5, and PS 2 C-, X-, or Ku-Band User Manual

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SPOD C-, X-, or Ku-Band Outdoor Amplifier


Serial-based Remote Product Management

Revision 1

5–8 Instruction Code

This is a three-character alphabetic sequence that identifies the subject of the message. Wherever possible, the instruction codes have

been chosen to have some significance.

For Example: GAC for Global Amplifier Configuration; IPA for IP Address, etc. This aids in the readability of the message, should it be

displayed in its raw ASCII form.

Both upper case and lower case alphabetic characters may be used (A-Z and a-z, ASCII codes 65-90 and 97-122). Instruction Code Qualifier

This single character further qualifies the preceding instruction code. Code Qualifiers obey the following rules:

1) From Controller-to-Target, the only permitted values are:

(ASCII code 61

This character is used as the assignment operator, and is used to indicate that the parameter defined by the preceding byte should be

set to the value of the argument(s) that follow it. For Example: In a message from Controller-to-Target, MUT=1 would mean ‘enable the

Mute function’.

(ASCII code 63)

This character is used as the query operator, and is used to indicate that the Target should return the current value of the parameter

defined by the preceding byte. For Example: In a message from Controller-to-Target, SWR? would mean ‘returns the value of the internal

software revision installed in the unit’.

2) From Target-to-Controller, the only permitted values are:

(ASCII code 61)

This character is used in two ways:
First, if the Controller has sent a query code to a Target (for Example: MUT?, meaning ‘is the Mute enabled or disabled?’), the Target

would respond with MUT=x, where x represents the state in question: 1 being ‘enable’ and 0 being ‘disable’.
Second, if the Controller sends an instruction to set a parameter to a particular value, and if the value sent in the argument is valid, then

the Target will acknowledge the message by replying with MUT= (with no message arguments).

(ASCII code 63)

This character is used only if the Controller sends an instruction to set a parameter to a particular value, then, if the value sent in the

argument is not valid, the Target will acknowledge the message by replying, for example, with MUT? (with no message arguments). This

indicates that there was an error in the message sent by the Controller.