Avery Dennison 9406 System Administrator Guide User Manual
Page 78
New. When selecting this value, enter the printing
information for all fields.
Update. If you printed a batch just before this batch,
and many fields are the same, you may want to use this
value. By selecting U, only fill in the fields that changed
from the last printed batch to this one.
How many supplies do you want to print in each batch?
Write a number from 1 to 9999 in box B4 in the Batch
Header section.
Fill in the Batch Data section:
The Field # boxes list field numbers, from 1 to 30. In the
corresponding Data box, write the information you want
printed in that field. If you use the N value in the Batch
Header, list
all fields with your data in sequence.
Entering batch data for fields with fixed characters
If a field contains only fixed characters, place double
quotes, with no space in the quotes, in the second box,
like this:
If a field has some, but not all fixed characters, send
only data for characters that are not fixed.
Merged or sub-fields
If a field is completely filled by data copied from other
fields, place double quotes in the Data box, as shown
Incrementing fields
In incrementing fields, the first number in the sequence
must contain the same number of digits as the highest
number to be counted. For example, to count the numbers
1 to 999, enter 001.
9406 System Administrator’s Guide