Altera LVDS SERDES Transmitter / Receiver User Manual

Page 7

background image

7. To generate an HDL instantiation template that you can copy and paste into your text editor, click

Generate > HDL Example.

8. Click Finish. The parameter editor adds the top-level


file to the current project automatically. If

you are prompted to manually add the


file to the project, click Project > Add/Remove Files in

Project to add the file.

9. After generating and instantiating your IP variation, make appropriate pin assignments to connect


Figure 4: IP Parameter Editor

View IP port

and parameter


Apply preset parameters for

specific applications

Specify your IP variation name

and target device

Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)

The Quartus II generates the following output for IP cores that use the legacy MegaWizard parameter




Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)


LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide

Altera Corporation

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