Echelon Lumewave CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge User Manual
Page 65

Street Light Bridge Integrator’s Guide
farthest to the right. The current chain of repeating devices used to relay
messages to the target device are listed to the left of the target device.
The repeating chains lead back to the Segment Controller, which is listed
farthest to the left, in the column titled Center.
The Segment Controller is always listed in the column titled Center
because all network messages originate from its local LonTalk (ISO/IEC
14908-3) device (Net/LON/LtaLdv).
The repeating chains of the first 20 repeating devices listed in the tree
view are displayed in this Web page. Devices that have been installed
successfully are marked black, devices in the process of being installed
are marked orange, and devices with communication failures or other
errors are marked red.
To view the repeating chain of another device, click that device in the
tree. To view multiple additional devices, click a device in the tree, and
then either hold down CTRL and click all other additional devices to be
viewed, or hold down SHIFT and select another device to view the entire
range of additional devices.
To view the repeating chain of a specific device, click one of the 20 blue-
highlighted devices in the tree to clear the pre-selected devices and then
click the device to be viewed. To view the repeating chains for a set of
specific devices, click one of the 20 blue-highlighted devices in the tree to
clear the pre-selected devices, click a device in the tree, and then either
hold down CTRL and click all other devices to be viewed, or hold down
SHIFT and select another device to view the entire range of devices.
3. You can identify proxies (repeating devices that can relay messages to
devices located further down the channel) and target devices (the
destination device in a repeating chain) by observing whether there is a
device listed in the column to the right. If there is no device listed in the
column to the right, that device is a target device.
Because the Segment Controller has no knowledge of the physical
network topology, the displayed repeating chain might not match your
intuition for how it “ought” to appear. The Segment Controller reports
the repeating chain as it finds and communicates with devices in the
network. It also maintains a low-priority background process that
periodically confirms the repeating chain, which, based on current
network conditions, could change the displayed repeating chain as it finds
more efficient repeating paths.
The simple power line repeating network shown in the figure above
corresponds to the following physical configuration: