Pl/pl repeater, Rf/rf repeater – Echelon Lumewave CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge User Manual
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Street Light Bridge Integrator’s Guide
When directed to repeat onto the RF channel, the receiver waits until all the
retries from the originator have completed before repeating onto the same
channel. Thus, a CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge module attempts to keep the RF
channel clear while another module is using it, and does not send responses while
the originator is busy sending repeats of the request.
The CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge module uses information in each packet
header to detect packet duplication, replay attacks, and network intrusion.
PL/PL Repeater
You can define the CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge module as power line repeater
to extend the range of power line communications. By default, the CRD 3000
Street Light Bridge module acts as power line repeater, but by setting
nciRepeatMode to 1, you can block RF communications, which might be useful
for situations in which RF communications are not used.
In a multi-phase system with insufficient cross-coupling between the phases, a
pair of CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge modules in PL/PL repeating mode acts as
intelligent phase couplers.
RF/RF Repeater
You can define the CRD 3000 Street Light Bridge module as an RF repeater to
extend the range of RF communications. If you set nciRepeatMode to 2, you
block power line communications, which can be useful if the CRD 3000 Street
Light Bridge module should act as a repeater for a different Segment Controller
than the one with which it has power line communications.
Figure 9 on page 42 shows an example for RF/RF repeating mode. The street
lighting network on the left side of the figure is installed and running. Then,
install the street lighting network on the right side of the figure. If SLB A and
SLB B cannot establish RF communications, you can install an RF/RF repeater
(SLB X) between them. By defining SLB X as an RF/RF repeater, it does not
interfere with power line communications on its own power line network (the
previously installed network).