Settings in ingress – FingerTec Ingress User Manual
Page 96
Chapter 9
Settings in Ingress
This chapter guides you in configuring the settings of Ingress for your own preference.
This chapter will guide you in configuring Ingress to operate according to your preference.
You can configure settings for:
Database configuration:
You can initialize, backup or restore MySQL database of In-
System Parameters settings:
This page allows you to configure date/time and other dis-
play settings in Ingress.
Field customization management:
You can add additional data fields to use in User bio-
data (under
Company info:
Fill in information of your company and local reseller. You can also place
a special watermark on every report created by Ingress.
System User:
You can create/delete multi-levels account with different authorities to
login to use your copy of Ingress.
You can configure the types of events that will trigger alarm in Ingress. You can
select the sound to represent different events and link up the SMTP email server to send
notifications from Ingress to specific recipients. For Ingress Mobile users, you can also
send push notifications.
Network camera integration:
Before you can connect a network camera to stream video
footage, you must configure the login details to Milestones or Epicamera accordingly in