Special working rules – FingerTec Ingress User Manual

Page 81

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Special Working Rules

You can configure 5 special working rules under group duty roster to fit into your working

Overtime only after -

Software accumulates work time of employees every day before

employee can claim overtime during predefined time period (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-
monthly or monthly).

For example:

If a predefined working hours a week is 40 hours per week and an employee

works a total of 45 hours for that particular week, she would get 40 hours of work time
and a 5 hours to be considered as OT.

You can apply additional option to view the work time and overtime accordingly.

Daily Totals:

Software display additional columns under Attendance Sheet when this option enabled.

The columns display individual work time and overtime done by the employees every day. However
the actual work time and overtime calculation still follow Overtime only after.

Auto Calc OT:

This option is similar to Daily Totals however the software will sum up daily work time

and over time to as Total Work Time and Total OT. This is only for display and the actual work time and
overtime will still follow the Overtime only after

7th day OT:

This option only works if you select Overtime only after Weekly. The software only calcu-

lates overtime if employees work 7-days continuously. In case the employee takes a rest day in that
7-days working schedule, the software will not calculate any overtime even though the total work
time exceeds the predefined value.

Open schedule -

Open schedule is when a factory or a company does not determine spe-

cific type of roster for the employee and they can attend any shifts as they please. With
the open schedule, software will allocate user’s clocking time into corresponding work-
ing shift by referring to the clocking time. The working shift in open schedule cannot be
overlapped and must be clearly defined. Software will not be able to allocate users into
their correct shift if the IN time and OUT time of the shift overlaps.