Management of device and door, Devices – FingerTec Ingress User Manual
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Chapter 2
Management of Device and Door
This chapter guides you on how to install and manage FingerTec devices into Ingress and
assigning them to doors.
Devices refer to the FingerTec physical terminals installed to guard every door/entrance.
There are 3 types of physical terminals:
Ingressus door controller
FingerTec standalone terminal
Keylock series (7700 and 8800)
Ingressus door controller can work with slave terminals. It is the master that will store &
transfer data, control door and alarm activities. Ingressus door controller can link up to a
maximum of 4 slave terminals (R2c, i-Kadex or k-Kadex). Slave terminals only work as cap-
turing station for fingerprints, cards or password. The captured data is sent to Ingressus for
verification before Ingressus can grant access to users. Ingressus can work with AUX input
(e.g.: heat and smoke sensor, PIR motion detector) and output (e.g.: alarm siren, strobe light,
IP camera).
FingerTec standalone terminals refer to all FingerTec terminals, for example R2, AC900, Q2i,
Face ID series. The terminals have individual processors and memory, to verify and store us-
ers’ data. Standalone terminals can be paired with slave terminals as an entry-exit system.
Slave terminals capture fingerprints, card or password data then sends them to master for
Keylock series refer to FingerTec biometric mechanical door lock. The Keylock series has
integrated processor and memory, to verify/store users’ data. However, it does not commu-
nicate with Ingress directly as it only has a USB port for data transfer.
Add Device Manually
You must add each device into the list in Ingress before you can manage any of it. Adding
devices to Ingress requires the device to connect to Ingress via network (TCP/IP or RS 485).
However, standalone terminals and the Keylock series supports USB flash disk for transfer-
ring data and settings with Ingress.
Every device has a unique serial number, which is important for activation in Ingress. Con-
tact your local resellers or
by providing the serial number of the de-
vice in case you fail to activate online.