Break rules – FingerTec Ingress User Manual
Page 68
Break Rules
Break is to determine the rules for break time allowed in the clocking schedule and the rules
will determine the presentation of time in the attendance sheet.
Learn about it in the table below.
Specify the rules based on your company’s policy. Leave them blank if it’s not applicable to your environment.
If this is the rule of your company, please click on the checker. Leave
it if it’s not.
Click Yes if you want to apply the rule, which means that the remain-
ing lunch/dinner time will be added into work time. This is to add the
work time for the users who work during their lunch/dinner break.
Click Yes if you want to limit the break time to only the permitted
hour by the company; any extra minutes taken will be deducted from
the total work hours.
Since dinner usually exceeds OUT time, click Yes if you want to in-
clude the dinner time into the overtime hour. Leave it if the compa-
ny’s policy does not allow that.
If you want to deduct the break time from the overtime, define
number of hours that should be deducted if the overtime hour taken
exceeds a certain value.
Do not deduct any lunch
time if employee works
half day only
Do you want to Apply Auto
Add Break Time when in-
clude lunch/dinner break?
Do you want to deduct ex-
tra lunch/dinner time from
working hour?
Do you want to include
lunch/dinner time into
overtime hour?
Deduct no. of hours for
break time from overtime