Disable and delete device – FingerTec Ingress User Manual
Page 21
Activate this to force users to verify when leaving a zone. Users can skip verification when coming
into the zone.
Activate this to force users to verify when coming into a zone. Users can skip verification when
leaving the zone.
Activate this to force users to verify both when coming in and leaving a zone.
None & Save:
Select this setting so the device does not block users to access when Antipassback take
effect. Device will instead only keeps track of Antipassback records with the user ID, where you can
download the records into Ingress to view and analyze.
Disable Antipassback at the device.
Other settings:
Power off Device: To shutdown device remotely. All devices do not have a physical power off button to
avoid unauthorized shutdown. You can only shutdown the device by clicking this button.
Reboot Device: To restart device remotely. If the device is working abnormally, try to restart it.
Synchronize Date and Time: Synchronize date and time of device immediately. It is recommended to do this
during first installation.
Download Device Settings: Download all settings/parameters from device.
Activate Device: Activate device to be added into Ingress.
Clear All Device Data: To clear the storage of device back to initial stage. You cannot retrieve any data after
Clear All Log: To delete the transaction logs stored in device. Recommended to do this after you finish
downloading logs from device.
Clear Admin Privilege: To clear admin lock in device. Any users can access into the Main Menu by pressing
the Menu button. Only do this before you want to assign a new administrator at the device.
Upload Device Settings: To upload all new settings/parameters device to start to take effect.
Operation logs:
Device records every operation done by administrators into a log file. This is a hidden
file that you cannot view at the device. You must download the operation logs into Ingress to view it.
Download OP Log
to download from device.
Insert the date range to narrow down your search.
Device records abnormal activities (e.g.: door force open, alarm trigger, fail verification, etc.) as
events. These records are automatically downloaded into Ingress. You can narrow your search to view
by date and time.
5. Click Upload Device Settings to upload new settings to devices.
Disable and Delete Device
Delete or remove the device from list if it is no longer in use, or wrongly added to Ingress. In
case you want to suspend a device from Ingress (to stop data transfer with the device), dis-
able it from the list.
To delete a device:
1. Click to select the device from list.
2. Click
Delete Device
3. Click
to confirm to delete the device.