Fire and burglar alarm – FingerTec Ingress User Manual

Page 31

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8. Select the nature of Antipassback by clicking at the radio button.

Antipassback between readers of Door 1:

To activate feature at Door 1 only.

Antipassback between readers of Door 2:

To activate feature at Door 2 only.

Antipassback between readers of Door 1 and between the readers of Door 2 respectively:

To activate the

features at both Door 1 and Door 2 independently.

Antipassback between Door 1 and Door 2:

To activate the feature between both Door 1 and Door 2. User

must have an Out record from Door 1, before granted access to Door 2.

9. Sync settings to the Ingressus controller.

Fire and Burglar Alarm

Apply fire alarm settings to Ingressus to alert users in case of fire emergency. You must install
AUX input component at Ingressus (e.g.: smoke/heat detector). The sensor sends signal to
Ingressus once it detects smoke/heat. You can configure in Ingress to force Ingressus to
unlock doors immediately.

1. Click

Fire Alarm

from the left panel.

2. Click

Add Zone




the Zone, e.g.: All doors.

4. Click

Add Device




Ingressus from the list.



the Ingressus controller.

7. Press


at the Details panel.

8. Check the

Fire Alarm

box to start configurations.

Trigger condition:

To define the action that will trigger the fire alarm in Ingressus. You can either use

sensors (connecting to AUX port at Ingressus) or key command from slave terminals (insert special

password, verification of duress finger). For example, select Auxiliary Input Shorted if you are using

smoke/heat sensor to detect fire. The sensor connects to Ingressus at its AUX Input port. It only send

signal to Ingressus in case it detects smoke or heat.