Edit user biodata – FingerTec Ingress User Manual
Page 39

Edit User Biodata
Assign users into department via drag-and-drop. Fill in the biodata of each user to ease
searching in future. You can also edit individual users manually or import the relevant infor-
mation from your previous system into Ingress.
To edit users’ information manually
You can see all users displayed in the right panel. Double-click the user ID to start to edit
his/her biodata accordingly.
1. Press
2. Double click at the
Photo column
to insert his/her photo.
3. Fill in the details under the
Basic Information
to describe the user.
4. Click each tab to view or configure under the Basic Information section.
Details tab:
Short name to be displayed to user during verification. Maximum 9 characters.
Assign password for users’ verification at devices. Maximum 5-digits.
Issue date:
To show the date the user created in Ingress.
Expiry date:
Date to suspend users to display on Attendance Sheet.
Block users to gain access at the device.
To change the user’s privilege at the devices.
To display the card number assign to the users.