CANOGA PERKINS 9145E NID Software Version 4.10 User Manual

Page 76

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9145E NID Software User’s Manual


Network Performance


For more information about CPM, see the section “Continuous Performance Monitoring” on
page 84.

Figure 4-19 SAM Profile Setup screen

The following properties appear on the SAM Profile Setup screen:

1. State indicates if the Profile is enabled or disabled. Default is Disabled.

2. Direction Forced Round Trip Only forces round trip availability (as opposed to a one

way trip availability test). In a one-way availability, separate data is maintained for each
direction. In round-trip availability, data is maintained for a round trip only.

3. Packet Timeout: (sec) defines the number of seconds the test will wait to receive a

response before declaring a packet dropped. Default is 3.

4. Payload Size: (bytes) defines the number of (40-1954) bytes in a test packet. Default is


5. Packet Interval (msec): defines the interval (100-60000 milliseconds) between test

packets. Default is 1,000 or 1 second. The fastest rate for CPM or SAM packets is 100ms
(10pps), so the Packet Interval cannot go below 100ms. Other limitations apply in that
the FLR period must fall on a one-second boundary in order for SAM to work properly, so
not all combinations will be accepted.

6. Number of Test Packets in FLR Period (DeltaT) defines the number of test packets (1-

60) in the FLR (Frame Loss Ratio). Default is 10. DeltaT = Seconds per Packet x # of
Packets (sec)

7. FLR Sample Period Count (n) is the ratio of the number of packets lost to the number of

packets sent (FLR = Packets Lost/Packets Sent). Default is 1. Service Availability
Window: (DeltaT x n) is the product of DeltaT (number of test packets in the Frame Loss
Ratio) x FLR (Packets Lost/Packets Sent).

Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 29-JAN-2009
9145E-101-2-0 V04.10 05:52:48
------------------------------SAM PROFILE SETUP: profile#127--------------------

1) State: Disabled
2) Direction Force Round Trip Only: Disabled
3) Packet Timeout: (sec) 3
4) Payload Size: (bytes) 40
5) Packet Interval (msec): 1000
6) Number of Test Packets in FLR Period: [DeltaT] 10
DeltaT = Packet Interval x # of Packets: (msec) 10000
7) FLR Sample Period Count: [n] 1
Service Availability Window: (DeltaT x n) (msec) 10000
8) Unavailability [Cu] FLR Threshold: (%) 99

9) Purge SAM Result Records History Record Count: 0
Active Record Count: 0
Select [1-9], [(N)ext Profile], [(P)revious Profile]: