Index (cont) – BendixKing KSN 770 - Pilots Guide User Manual

Page 464

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KSN 765/770 Integrated Communication Navigation Display


REV 2 Jun 2014



Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.

Index (cont)


TAWS display orientation, 13-4
TAWS failure annunciations, 13-5
TAWS pop--up mode, 13-12
TAWS symbols, 13-3
TAWS terrain and obstacle data,


Temporary waypoint, 15-78
Terrain and ownship caution

messages, 2-20

Terrain awareness

introduction, 8-1
obstruction and coloring, 8-6

coloring, 8-8
departure mode, 8-9
en route and approach

mode, 8-10

failures, 8-10
ground and landing mode,


obstruction, 8-7

overview, 8-1

AGL display, 8-5
display modes, 8-3
heading and track, 8-4
legend, 8-6

Terrain awareness and warning

system (TAWS), 13-1

overview, 13-1

failure annunciations, 13-5
orientation, 13-4
pop--up mode, 13-12
range selection, 13-11
symbols, 13-3
terrain and obstacle data,


Terrain coloring, 8-8
Terrain departure mode, 8-9
Terrain display color patterns, 13-8
Terrain failures, 8-10
Terrain ground and landing mode,


Terrain legend, 8-6

Terrain obstruction, 8-7
Terrain obstruction and coloring,


Terrain overlay, 6-31
Terrain view -- AGL display, 8-5
Terrain view heading and track, 8-4
Terrain view modes, 8-3
Terrain view overview, 8-1
Test ( TEST ), 11-6
Text data bar, 2-16
TFR page, 10-32
Thumbnail layout, 3-4
Tilt ( TILT ), 11-10
Touchscreen buttons, 3-11
Touchscreen tuning, 5-7
Traffic altitude filter, 9-5
Traffic awareness

altitude filter, 9-5
display, 9-2
features, 9-4
introduction, 9-1
no bearing advisories, 9-5
off scale and symbol overlap,


pop--up mode, 9-6
status display, 9-7

Traffic display, 9-2
Traffic features, 9-4
Traffic overlay, 6-36
Traffic pop--up mode, 9-6
Traffic status display, 9-7
Traffic symbol data block, 9-4
Traffic vertical trend, 9-4
Traffic view display, 9-3
Transportation symbols, 6-18
Trip planner, 15-154
True air speed (TAS) failure, 3-15
True north orientation indicator

symbol, 2-18


USB port, 16-1