Index (cont) – BendixKing KSN 770 - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 463

KSN 765/770 Integrated Communication Navigation Display
REV 2 Jun 2014
Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.
Index (cont)
Range selection (cont)
navigation symbols, 6-16
obstruction symbols, 6-19
transportation symbols, 6-18
Recalling stored flight plans,
Resistive touchscreen displays,
Review flight plan waypoints, 15-59
Route discontinuity, 15-67
Scan sector ( SECT ) ON/OFF,
Scroll bars, 2-12
Search function, 15-111
Seattle avionics instrument
procedure charts database, 2-20
Selected chart, 7-15
Signal quality, 10-38
Special leg type waypoints, 15-82
Special waypoint identifiers, 15-81
altitude sequence legs, 15-84
flight segments, 15-85
notifications, 15-86
special leg type waypoints,
Split screen layout, 3-3
Stabilization ( STAB ) ON/OFF,
Standby ( STBY ), 11-6
Status messages, 10-39
Store a flight plan, 15-126
Stored flight plan
deleting, 15-137
clearing stored flight plan
database, 15-136
invert, 15-132
recalling, 15-129
Stored frequency list, 5-8
Storing flight plans, 15-126
Strikes display overview
error annunciators, 12-5
strikes display modes, 12-3
strikes sensor status, 12-4
strikes view modes, 12-2
Strikes view modes, 12-2
Structure of this guide, 1-1
Suspend, 15-6
altitude sequence leg, 15-6
Direct--To off--route, 15-6
discontinuity, 15-6
FLY CRS, 15-6
last waypoint, 15-6
manual hold, 15-6
MAWP, 15-6
OBS, 15-6
vector to final, 15-6
Switching radio sources, 5-6
Symbol overlap, 9-5
System interface controls
acknowledgement confirmation
page, 2-19
color convention, 2-12
Honeywell IFR navigation,
Jeppesen moving map, 2-19
Jeppesen obstacle, 2-19
Jeppesen terrain, 2-19
magnetic, 2-19
Seattle avionics instrument
procedure charts, 2-20
introduction, 2-1
ownship symbol, 2-18
pop--up alerts, 2-14
terminology, 2-1
text data bar, 2-16
invalid states, 2-18
user controls, 2-7
bezel softkeys, 2-10
dedicated bezel keys, 2-9
joystick knob, 2-8
keypads, 2-11
radio control knob, 2-8
scroll bars, 2-12
touchscreen, 2-10
volume knob, 2-8