Acx_serdes_sbus_if module – Achronix Speedster22i SerDes User Manual
Page 99

The connection diagram for ACX_SERDES_SBUS_IF is shown in “Figure 44 Disabling PCS
Decoder (default ACE Setting)”.
Figure 44: Disabling PCS Decoder (default ACE Setting)
The code below presents the port definitions in ACX_SERDES_SBUS_IF module
input sbus_clk,
input rstn,
input sbus_sw_rst, // active-high; may be tied low
// serdes connections
input [1:0] from_sbus_data,
input from_sbus_ack,
output [1:0] to_sbus_data,
output to_sbus_req,
output to_sbus_sw_rst,
// parallel interface
input i_reg_rw_req, // rising edge starts action
input i_reg_write, // request is 'write'
input i_reg_pma, // address is pma address
input [15:0] i_reg_address, // 16-bit pcs or pma address
input [7:0] i_reg_wr_data, // data for write
output [7:0] o_reg_rd_data, // data from read (latch when o_reg_rdwr_valid)
output reg o_reg_rdwr_valid // action finished (high for one cycle)
UG028, July 1, 2014