Modification – 1 (ace gui) – Achronix Speedster22i SerDes User Manual

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Note: Although the PCS modules are disabled, the SerDes will still generate two clocks for

transmit and receive ends (from PMA). Unlike the design with EFIFO enabled

(simple_serdes_design_efifo), these two clocks are not aligned.
The changes for this derivative of the design are presented below.

Modification – 1 (ACE GUI):

Mode – a (Bypassing PCS Modules without Disabling PCS): While generating GUI wrapper for

this derivative, we need to disable the followings:

1. 8b/10b encoder module in RX PCS Settings window,
2. Symbol alignment module in RX PCS Symbol Alignment window, and
3. 8b/10b decoder in TX PCS Settings window.

Details on these windows have been presented while explaining the design flow for the

baseline design.
Mode – b (Disabling PCS that essentially disables all PCS blocks): In this mode, the PCS block is

completely disabled.
This can be done by disabling the PCS from ACE GUI as shown in
Figure 41 Disabling PCS from ACE GUI. P
lease note that for the baseline design

simple_serdes_design, the box was left unchecked (Figure 31: PCS Settings Window – First

Modification – 2 (Design RTL): With respect to the sample design (simple_serdes_design), this

variant with PCS bypassed will require only one change in top-level design due to the fact

that comma character is not longer required. Corresponding changes in the module

data_generation is presented below:

module data_generation (

input clk,

input rst_n,

input data_gen_en,

output [39:0] data_out


always @ (posedge clk)


if (rst_n == 1'b0)

data_out <= 40’b0;

// *** Comment out the comma-character generation

// *** data_out <= {10'h000,10'h1BC,10'h000,10'h1BC};

else if (data_gen_en == 1’b1)

// when data-generation enabled, i.e. TX_ready from SerDes is up

// *** Logic for data-generation goes here, such as PRBS-7 ***


data_out <= 40’b0;

// *** Comment out the comma-character generation

// ***data_out <= {10'h000,10'h1BC,10'h000,10'h1BC};




UG028, July 1, 2014