Cisco 10000 User Manual
Page 453
Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 19 Configuring Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol Connections
Configuration Examples for Configuring MLP
Configuration Example for Configuring MLP over Serial Interfaces
shows a sample configuration for configuring MLP over serial interfaces. In the example,
1/0/0/1:0 and 1/0/0/2:0 subinterfaces are added to the Multilink1 bundle.
Example 19-5 Configuring MLP on Serial Interfaces
interface Multilink1
ip address
no keepalive
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
interface serial 1/0/0/1:0
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
ppp chap hostname m1
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
interface serial 1/0/0/2:0
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
ppp chap hostname m1
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
Configuration Example for Configuring Single-VC MLP over ATM
shows a sample configuration for configuring Single-VC MLP over ATM. In the example,
PVC 0/36 on ATM subinterface 5/0/0.3 is added to a single link MLP bundle. Single-VC MLP over ATM
is configured on remote sites to deploy LFI for protecting interactive traffic on low speed ATM VCs.
Example 19-6 Configuring Single-VC MLP over ATM VCs
interface ATM5/0/0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM5/0/0.3 point-to-point
pvc 0/36
vbr-nrt 512 612
encapsulation aal5mux ppp Virtual-Template1
ppp multilink group 10001
interface Virtual-Template1
bandwidth 512
no ip address
ppp multilink
interface Multilink 10001
ip address
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 10001