Cisco 10000 User Manual

Page 448

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Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 19 Configuring Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol Connections

Configuring MLP Bundles and Member Links

Step 6

Router(config-subif)# pvc [name] vpi/vci

Creates or modifies an ATM PVC. Enters ATM VC
configuration mode.

name is the name of the ATM PVC.

vpi/ is the virtual path identifier. If you do not specify a VPI
value and the slash character (/), the VPI value defaults to 0.

vci is the virtual channel identifier.

Step 7

Router(config-if-atm-vc)# vbr-nrt output-pcr

output-scr output-mbs

Configures the variable bit rate-nonreal time (VBR-nrt)
quality of service (QoS).

output-pcr is the output peak cell rate (PCR), in kbps.

output-scr is the sustainable cell rate (SCR), in kbps.

output-mbs is the output maximum burst cell size (MBS),
expressed in number of cells.

Step 8

Router(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation

{aal5mux ppp virtual-template number |

aal5ciscoppp virtual-template

number |



Configures the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and
encapsulation type for an ATM virtual circuit (VC).

aal5mux ppp specifies the AAL and encapsulation type for
multiplex (MUX)-type VCs. The keyword ppp is Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF)-compliant PPP over ATM. It
specifies the protocol type being used by the MUX
encapsulated VC. Use this protocol type for Multi-VC MLP
over ATM to identify the virtual template. This protocol is
supported on ATM PVCs only.

aal5ciscoppp specifies the AAL and encapsulation type for
Cisco PPP over ATM. Supported on ATM PVCs only.

aal5snap specifies the AAL and encapsulation type that
supports Inverse ARP. Logical Link Control/Subnetwork
Access Protocol (LLC/SNAP) precedes the protocol

virtual-template number is the number used to identify the
virtual template.

