Cisco 10000 User Manual

Page 182

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Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 5 Configuring the Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol Access Concentrator and Network Server

Layer 2 Access Concentrator

buffers small permanent 15000

buffers middle permanent 12000

buffers large permanent 1000


interface Loopback1

no ip address


interface FastEthernet0/0/0

ip address



interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

no ip address

no ip mroute-cache

negotiation auto

hold-queue 4096 in

hold-queue 4096 out


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.101

encapsulation dot1Q 101

ip address


interface ATM2/0/0

no ip address

no ip mroute-cache

atm clock INTERNAL

atm sonet stm-4

no atm auto-configuration

no atm ilmi-keepalive

no atm address-registration

no atm ilmi-enable


interface ATM3/0/0

atm pppatm passive

no ip address

no ip mroute-cache

atm clock INTERNAL

atm sonet stm-4

no atm auto-configuration

no atm ilmi-keepalive

no atm address-registration

no atm ilmi-enable


interface ATM3/0/0.41101 point-to-point

atm pppatm passive

pvc 41/101

encapsulation aal5snap

protocol pppoe



interface ATM3/0/0.41102 point-to-point

pvc 41/102

encapsulation aal5snap

protocol pppoe



interface ATM3/0/0.41103 point-to-point

pvc 41/103

encapsulation aal5snap

protocol pppoe

