Pppoa to mpls vpn configuration example – Cisco 10000 User Manual

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Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Access to MPLS VPN

Configuration Examples for RA to MPLS VPN

PPPoA to MPLS VPN Configuration Example

Example 3-12

shows how to configure the RA to MPLS VPN feature on the Cisco 10000 series router.

In this example, one VRF is configured with 300 PPPoA sessions.

Example 3-12 Configuring PPPoA to MPLS VPN

!Enables the AAA access control model.

aaa new-model


!Configures AAA accounting.

aaa authentication login default none

aaa authentication ppp default local

aaa authorization network default local

aaa session-id common

enable password vermont


username vpn1 password 0 vpn1


!Configures the vpn1 VRF.

ip vrf vpn1

rd 10:1

route-target export 10:1

route-target import 10:1


!Configures the policy map for the default class.

policy-map mypolicy

class class-default

police 200000 400000 800000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop


no virtual-template snmp


!Sets the size of the small and middle buffers.

buffers small permanent 20000

buffers middle permanent 7000


!Defines the general loopback interface used for reachability to the router and as a

!source IP address for sessions (IBGP, TDP, and so on).

interface Loopback0

ip address


!Creates a loopback interface in the vpn1 VRF. You do this for each customer VRF you IP

!unnumber interfaces to.

interface Loopback1

ip vrf forwarding vpn1

ip address


!Configures the management interface. You should not configure VPN over the FastEthernet


interface FastEthernet0/0/0

ip address

no ip proxy-arp


!Enables label switching of IP packets on the interface.

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0

ip address

negotiation auto

tag-switching ip
