Enabling syslog messages – Cisco 10000 User Manual
Page 365
Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring Link Noise Monitoring
About Link Noise Monitoring
Enabling Syslog Messages
To enable the generation of syslog messages on a particular T1/TE1 link use the following command
syntax. Use the no form of the command to disable generation of syslog messages.
Step 1
t1-number channel-group
channel-group-number timeslots
Router(config-controller)# t1 1
channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
Specifies the channel group and timeslots on a T1 interface.
t1-number—The T1 interface number from 1 to 28.
Channel-group channel-group-number—Identifies the
channel group with any number from 0 to 23
Timeslots list-of-timeslots—T1 is divided into 24 timeslots
(or DS0s).
Step 2
t1-number span {minor-warn | {remove |
major-warn}} [{[lcv
value [pcv value]]
seconds]} set | clear]
Router(config-controller)# t1 1 span
minor-warn lcv 20 pcv 10 duration 10 set
Generates a minor-warn, a major-warn or a remove event based
on the defined thresholds, for the T1 interface.
t1-number—The T1 interface number from 1 to 28.
minor-warn—Enables link warning (minor) monitoring
on the link.
major-warn—Enables link warning (major) monitoring on
the link.
remove—Enables Link Removal monitoring on the link.
lcv value—The Line Code Violation (LCV) threshold value
in bit error per second. The valid range on a T1 link is 5 to
1544 seconds. The valid range on an E1 link is 7 to 2048
The default LCV value for minor-warn on a T1 link is
154 seconds and an E1 link is 205 seconds.
The default LCV value for major-warn or removal on a
TI link is 1544 seconds and an E1 link is 2048 seconds.
pcv value—Number of time slots in error per second. If not
specified, this value is calculated from the LCV threshold
based on a Gaussian distribution.
The default PCV value for minor-warn on a T1 link is
145 seconds and an E1 link is 205 seconds.
The default PCV value for major-warn or removal on a
TI link is 320 seconds and an E1 link is 832 seconds.
duration seconds—The number of consecutive seconds
that a threshold is exceeded or improved for a condition to
occur. The valid range on a T1/E1 link is 4 to 600 seconds.
The default value for T1 and E1 links is 10 seconds.
set—Specifies the set condition. Set is the default when no
conditions are specified.
clear— Specifies the clear condition.