Local template-based atm pvc provisioning, Atm interface oversubscription – Cisco 10000 User Manual

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Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 8 Configuring ATM Permanent Virtual Circuit Autoprovisioning

ATM PVC Autoprovisioning

Configuration Tasks for ATM PVC Autoprovisioning, page 8-6

Monitoring and Maintaining ATM PVC Autoprovisioning, page 8-12

Configuration Example for ATM PVC Autoprovisioning, page 8-13

Local Template-Based ATM PVC Provisioning

The Local Template-Based ATM PVC Provisioning feature supports PVC autoprovisioning for an
infinite range of VPI/VCI combinations on an ATM interface.

The Local Template-Based ATM PVC Provisioning feature enables ATM permanent virtual circuits
(PVCs) to be provisioned automatically as needed from a local configuration, making the provisioning
of large numbers of digital subscriber line (DSL) subscribers easier, faster, and less prone to error. ATM
PVC autoprovisioning can be configured on a PVC, an ATM PVC range, or a VC class. If a VC class
configured with ATM PVC autoprovisioning is assigned to the main interface, all the PVCs on that main
interface will be autoprovisioned; this configuration is sometimes referred to as an infinite range.

In releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)XI2, a reassembly channel had to be opened to receive
any incoming packets on a create-on-demand VC. In Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)XI2, the SAR sends the
cell header to the RP, thus removing the need to open the reassembly channel to receive cells. Any cells
received on an unopened channel result in cell headers from the SAR until the VC is opened.

Autoprovisioned ATM PVCs are not created until there is activity on the virtual path identifier
(VPI)/virtual channel identifier (VCI) pair. When the interface is disabled and re-enabled using the
shutdown and no shutdown commands, autoprovisioned PVCs that are part of a PVC range or infinite
range are removed upon shutdown and are not reestablished until the first incoming cell triggers PVC
creation. During router reload, autoprovisioned PVCs are created when there is activity on the

Feature History for Local Template-Based ATM PVC Provisioning

ATM Interface Oversubscription

The Cisco 10000 series router allows you to create more on-demand PVCs than the chassis allows to be
active at the same time. For example, the router chassis allows a total of 61,500 PVCs to be up at the
same time, even though you can configure more than 61,500 on-demand PVCs on the chassis. In
actuality, you can configure up to 32,000 PVCs on each line card. If you install ATM line cards in six of
the eight available slots in the chassis, you can configure up to 128,000 on-demand PVCs instead of the
61,500 PVCs chassis limit.

When the number of ATM PVCs exceeds a port’s active VC count, you can use the idle-timeout interface
command to dynamically bring down on-demand PVCs. If you use CLI commands to explicitly
configure a PVC, the router brings the PVC to the inactive state when the idle-timeout timer expires.

Cisco IOS Release


Required PRE


This feature was introduced on the Cisco 10000 series



This feature was integrated into Cisco IOS Release