Cisco 10000 User Manual

Page 107

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Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide


Chapter 3 Configuring Remote Access to MPLS VPN

Configuration Tasks for RA to MPLS VPN

Configuring DHCP Option 82 for RBE

To configure DHCP Option 82 support for RBE connections, enter the following commands beginning
in global configuration mode:

Example 3-7

enables DHCP option 82 support on the DHCP relay agent by using the ip dhcp relay

information option command. The rbe nasip command configures the router to forward the IP address
for Loopback0 to the DHCP server. The value (in hexadecimal) of the agent remote ID suboption is
010100000B0101814058320 and the value of each field is the following:

Port Type: 0x01

Version: 0x01

Step 7

Router(config-router-af)# redistribute


Redistributes routes from one routing domain into another
routing domain.

The protocol argument is the source protocol from which
routes are being redistributed. It can be one of the following
keywords: bgp, connected, egp, igrp, isis, ospf, static [ip],
or rip.

The connected keyword refers to routes that are established
automatically by virtue of having enabled IP on an interface.

Step 8

Router(config-router-af)# exit-address-family

Exits address family configuration mode.

Step 9

Router(config-router)# address-family vpnv4


Enters address family configuration mode for configuring
BGP routing sessions that use standard Virtual Private
Network (VPN) Version 4 address prefixes.

(Optional) The unicast keyword specifies VPN Version 4
unicast address prefixes.

Step 10

Router(config-router-af)# neighbor {ip-address

| peer-group-name} activate

Activates route exchanges with the global BGP neighbors.

Step 11

Router(config-router-af)# neighbor {ip-address

| peer-group-name} send-community [both]

Specifies that a community attribute should be sent to a BGP

The both keyword specifies that both community attributes
should be sent.

Step 12

Router(config-router-af)# exit-address-family

Exits address family configuration mode.

Step 13

Router(config-router)# exit

Exits router configuration mode.

Step 14

Router(config)# interface atm

slot/port.subinterface-number point-to-point

Creates a point-to-point ATM subinterface. Enters
subinterface configuration mode.

Step 15

Router(config-subif)# atm route-bridged ip

Enables RBE on the subinterface.





Step 1

Router(config)# ip dhcp relay information


Enables the system to insert the DHCP relay agent
information option in VPN suboptions.

Step 2

Router(config)# rbe nasip source_interface

Specifies the IP address of an interface on the DHCP relay
agent. This is the interface address that is sent to the DHCP
server in the agent remote ID suboption.