Aaa method lists, Defining aaa – Cisco 10000 User Manual
Page 296
Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Local AAA Server, User Database—Domain to VRF
AAA Method Lists
The AAA method lists are defined to use RADIUS for authentication and accounting. Authorization is
done locally using the AAA attribute lists. Defining the AAA attribute lists for PPP under the virtual
template no longer requires defining the AAA lists. Instead, a default authentication and authorization
list can be defined on the virtual template and the AAA method lists can be defined in the AAA attribute
lists. 2000 method lists are supported.
Using method lists does require that you define aaa authentication ppp default and aaa authorization
network default lists. The following is an example of the commands you use to configure method lists:
interface virtual-template
ppp authentication pap chap
aaa new-model
aaa authentication ppp default local
aaa authorization network default local
aaa authentication ppp method list name group radius
aaa authorization network method list name local if-authenticated
aaa accounting network method list name start-stop group radius
aaa attribute list
attribute type ppp-authen-list "method list name"
attribute type ppp-author-list "method list name"
attribute type ppp-acct-list "method list name"
Configuration Tasks for Local AAA Server, User Database—Domain to VRF
Using Local Attributes
To configure a user name domain to a VRF using local AAA attributes, perform the following
configuration tasks:
Defining RADIUS and Enabling NAS-PORT, page 11-7
Applying AAA to a Virtual Template, page 11-7
Defining a Loopback Interface, page 11-8
Creating an IP Address Pool, page 11-8
Defining a Subscriber Profile, page 11-8
Defining an AAA Attribute List, page 11-8
Defining AAA
To define AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), enter the following commands in global
configuration mode:
Step 1
Router(config)# aaa new-model
Enables the AAA access control model.
Step 2
Router(config)# aaa authentication ppp
list-name group radius
Specifies RADIUS to authenticate the PPP user name.