Show ipv6 brief – Dell PowerEdge M805 User Manual
Page 639
IPv6 Routing Commands
workstation. The terminal interface sends three pings to the target station. Use the interface
keyword to ping an interface by using the link-local address or the global IPv6 address of the
interface. The source can be a loopback, tunnel, or logical interface.
ping ipv6 interface {vlan vlan-id| tunnel tunnel-id} | loopback loopback-id} link-local-
address [size datagram-size]
vlan-id—Valid VLAN ID.
tunnel-id—Tunnel identifier. (Range: 0-7)
loopback-id—Loopback identifier. (Range: 0-7)
link-local-address—IPv6 address to ping.
datagram-size—Size of the datagram. (Range: 48-2048 bytes)
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example determines whether another computer is on the network at the IPv6
address specified.
console(config)#ping ipv6 interface loopback 1
Send count=3, Receive count=0 from FE80::202:BCFF:FE00:3068/128
Average round trip time = 0.00 ms
show ipv6 brief
Use the show ipv6 brief command in Privileged EXEC mode to display the IPv6 status of
forwarding mode and IPv6 unicast routing mode.
show ipv6 brief
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.