Dell PowerEdge M805 User Manual

Page 307

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ACL Commands


dstmac—Valid destination MAC address in format xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.

destmacmask—Valid MAC address bitmask for the destination MAC address in format

bpdu—Bridge protocol data unit

ethertypekey—Either a keyword or valid four-digit hexadecimal number. (Range:
Supported values are appletalk, arp, ibmsna, ipv4, ipv6, ipx, mplsmcast, mplsucast,
Netbios, novell, pppoe, rarp.)

0x0600-0xFFFF—Specify custom ethertype value (hexadecimal range 0x0600-0xFFFF)

vlan eq—VLAN number. (Range 0-4095)

cos—Class of service. (Range 0-7)

secondary-vlan eq—Secondary VLAN number. (Range 0-4095)

secondary-cos—Secondary class of service. (Range 0-7)

log—Specifies that this rule is to be logged.

assign-queue—Specifies particular hardware queue for handling traffic that matches the

queue-id—0-6, where n is number of user configurable queues available for that hardware

mirror—Copies the traffic matching this rule to the specified interface.

redirect—Forwards traffic matching this rule to the specified physical interface.

interface—Valid physical interface in unit/port format, for example 1/g12.

Default Configuration

This command has no default configuration.

Command Mode

Mac-Access-List Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The no form of this command is not supported, as the rules within an ACL cannot be deleted
individually. Rather the entire ACL must be deleted and re-specified.

The assign-queue and redirect parameters are only valid for permit command s.