Switchport mode – Dell PowerEdge M805 User Manual
Page 533

VLAN Commands
The following example shows how to configure the PVID for 1/g8, when the interface is in
general mode.
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g8
console(config-if-1/g8)#switchport general pvid 234
switchport mode
Use the switchport mode command in Interface Configuration mode to configure the VLAN
membership mode of a port. To reset the mode to the appropriate default for the switch, use the no
form of this command.
switchport mode {access|trunk|general}
no switchport mode
access—An access port connects to a single end station belonging to a single VLAN. An
access port is configured with ingress filtering enabled and will accept either an untagged
frame or a packet tagged with the access port VLAN. An access port only egresses
untagged packets.
trunk—Trunk port connects two switches. A trunk port may belong to multiple VLANs.
A trunk port accepts only packets tagged with the VLAN IDs of the VLANs to which the
trunk is a member. A trunk only egresses tagged packets.
general—Full 802.1q support VLAN interface. A general mode port may be a
combination of both trunk and access ports. It is possible to fully configure all VLAN
features on a general mode port.
Default Configuration
The default for this command is access.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example configures 1/g8 to access mode.
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g8
console(config-if-1/g8)#switchport mode access