Passwords min-length, Show passwords configuration – Dell PowerEdge M805 User Manual
Page 259
Password Management Commands
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode.
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example sets the number of user attempts before lockout at 2.
console(config)#passwords lock-out 2
passwords min-length
As administrator, use the passwords min-length command in Global Configuration mode to
enforce a minimum length required for a password. Use the no form of this command to disable
the password minimum length requirement.
passwords min-length length
no passwords min-length
length—Required minimum length of the password. (Range: 8–64 characters.)
Default Configuration
Password minimum length is eight characters.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode.
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example sets minimum password length to 12 characters.
console(config)#passwords min-length 12
show passwords configuration
Use the show passwords configuration command in Privileged EXEC mode to show the
parameters for password configuration.